Token Profile
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Start by entering an ERC-20 token name, or token contract in the home page search bar or the top navigation bar. And you will get:
Current price stats, token stats, token contract information, Deployer, Github, and Official website.
Price correlation with Deposits & Withdrawals, Top Exchanges holdings, Total Circulating Supply.
Analyze the change of holders historically, the number of holding entities & addresses. Additionally, insights on the top holders, top transactions and balance changes to capitalize on token price movements before they happen.
Analyze the transactions overview for centralized and decentralized exchanges.
When you choose CEX category, you will be able to check recent Withdrawals and Deposits statistics of the chosen token.Click on Exchange to select All or specific centralized exchange you want to see.
When you choose DEX category, you will be able to check recent Sell and Buy statistics of the chosen token. Click on Exchange to select All or the decentralized exchange you want to see.
Social Engagement:
It analyzes users' attention to the project on Twitter, focusing on the official tweets of the project as well as the latest mentions and tweets of over +6000 crypto influencers.
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