📄Contract Detail

Start by entering a project name, in the home page search bar or the top navigation bar. And you will get:

1. Basic Information

Contract address, contract deployer, Real-time address balance, contract tags, and contract deployment time.

2. Contract Overview

All-time Activity: Chart about how many addresses called this contract in one day(Unique Caller Address)and how many times they called the contract(Function Call)

Top Interacted Wallets: The number of times addresses interacted with the contract (Contract call), and the number of times addresses directly receive tokens from or transferred tokens to the contract (Incoming Tx/Outcoming Tx). Portfolio: The total amount and value of the contract address holding. Token Sent/Received(7 days): The total amount and value of tokens that the contract received or sent in the past 7 days, sorted by tokens.

Transaction: The overall display of the latest 1000 transactions belonging to this contract address. Includes Transaction Hash, Block Height, Time/Age, From and To, Transaction Value, and Transaction Fee.

3. NFT Collection

NFT Activity Chart about any NFT-related transaction of this contract address. The amount of ETH received or sent all the time and the amount of NFTs it owns.

Collection: Your NFT portfolio display

NFT Transactions: The overall display of the latest 1000 NFT transactions belonging to this contract address. Includes From and To, Price, Token Name, Token ID, Time, Platform, Action, and Transaction Hash.

Last updated