What are these features?

  1. What are Entities? Entities are clusters composed of addresses that are highly related to one specific address(EOA). Entities seen in Scopescan are calculated based on 0xScope Knowledge Graph data.

  2. What does Dashboard contain? The Dashboard includes four features which are VC Watch, Whale Watch, Notable Entity Tracker, and High-risk Entities. All of them are dashboards that analyze specific Entities exclusively (e.g. Venture Capital, top holders of specific tokens, influencers, developers, rug pulls, scams, and more). All the entities are clusters composed of public identified addresses as well as highly related addresses.

  3. What is the Address Clustering Tool? Address Clustering is a tool that can generate an address graph to visualize possible related addresses. It is a visual tool that allows users to explore the connection between addresses as well as behavior and interactions. You can click on any node to see key information including on-chain and off-chain data such as the latest transactions and social media.

  4. What is Address Monitoring? The Address Monitoring feature will allow the analysis of not only specific addresses of certain individuals or institutions but also the extensive coverage of their associated addresses.

  5. What is the current stage of 0xScope? We have launched Scopescan Beta, the first product powered by the 0xScope Knowledge Graph for Web3 users, and finished the development of the fundamental protocol layer. Different features introduction and guides:

Last updated